” Performance and support has to be second to none at all times for us to be  a truly global company and our Product Information Management  system from Stibo Systems is the back bone of what we do.”  Founder of Figleaves.com Daniel Nabarro.

Figleaves, an online retailer, fought with suppliers to get clean, accurate product data. struggled with versioning data with correct brand and message,  and spent too much effort to share product information with back-end systems. Publishing rich product data to online channels, circulars, and other marketing collateral just took too much time.

After a review of several Product Information Management solutions, Figleaves selected Stibo Systems. Figleaves business leaders told me that Stibo Systems was the only PIM vendor that understood complex data sets. Data sets, data hierarchies and data management functionality set Stibo apart from the other vendors.

The State of Master Data Management

Master data, or cirtical informaiton on customers, products, suppliers, or similar categories, proveds the foundation for many key business processes.” So begins the excellent May 2012 Aberdeen report on Master Data Management.

Aberdeen’s research provide a detailed view into process, procedure, methodologies, and technologies with best practice focus and recommendations.

Please get this free report, “The State of Master Data Management, 2012,” right here.

Data Migration and a Product Information Management Project

“How are we getting the data into our new PIM solution?” The MDM director asked me recently. Good question and how this question is answered separates the bush leaguers from the major MDM for Product vendors. Why, do you ask?

The lower tier guys lie through hungry grins. The data migration is a manual and tedious process. Many times off shored to be cleaned by hard working manual efforts. The data is cleaned and ready for migration, but what now?

Now you have clean data in your shiny new MDM for products solution. Within a short time, like an 8 year old beginning the game in a shiny uniform, your data gets dirty. I see a hard slide into second wiping out the shiny, clean look on the 8 year old, and new products, edits, changes, obsolescence, duplicates and errors getting dirt on your data.

This is because Heiler, Riversand, and Enterworks do not have an integrated data quality, data cleanse engine. The very best MDM for Products provider, Stibo Systems does. The data cleanse, and data transformation process is done all the time. Not just to get ready for prime time, meaning the kick off of the new Product Information Management system.

New products are introduced and washed with care in the delicate cycle. Alerts and notifications are sent to product, marketing or category managers if needed. In most cases, 95% of the time, no human touches the data. Product collections inherit attributes and product data is transformed into persuasive product information.

Beware vendor promises. Like politicians, vendors lie not to be elected, but to be selected. And give me a call if you want to here more – 817-488-6591. I am a busy bee so leave a message.